bb26Increment(input: string): string

The bb26Increment function returns a string representing the plus one increment of a bijective base-26 number input string

import { bb26Increment } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

let bb26PlusOne = bb26Increment("AA");
//returns "AB"

bb26Decrement(input: string): string

The bb26Decrement function returns a string representing the minus one decrement of a bijective base-26 number input string

import { bb26Decrement } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

let bb26MinusOne = bb26Decrement("AAZ");
//returns "AAX"

bb26Range(a: string, b: string = "A"): string[]

The bb26Range function returns an inclusive increasing order array of upper case letter bijective base-26 number strings representing the range from ["A" to A] with one input or [A to B] with two inputs. Where A and B are upper case letter string function inputs

import { bb26Range } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

let bb26RangeTwoInputs = bb26Range("E","G");
let bb26RangeOneInput = bb26Range("F");

//returns ["E", "F", "G"]
//returns ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]

bb26ToDecimal(input: string): number

The bb26ToDecimal function returns a decimal number equivalent to the bijective base-26 number upper case letter string input

import { bb26ToDecimal } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

let bb26ToDecimalResult = bb26ToDecimal("Z");

//returns 26 

decimalTobb26(input: number): string

The decimalTobb26 function returns a bijective base-26 number upper case letter string equivalent to the decimal number input

import { decimalTobb26 } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

let decimalTobb26Result = decimalTobb26(497);

//returns "SC" 

bb26Compare(a: string, b: string): number

The bb26Compare function takes in two bijective base-26 numbers and returns the number:

0 if a === b, 1 if a > b, and 2 if a < b

import { bb26Compare } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

switch(bb26Compare("A", "B")){
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 2:
//returns "A<B"

bb26Random(a: string, b: string = "A"): string

The bb26Random function takes in two bijective base-26 numbers and returns a random base-26 number string inclusively between the two inputs

import { bb26Random } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

console.log(bb26Random("A", "CE"));
//returns a value inclusively between "A" and "CE" e.g. "AA" 

numberbb26Random(a: number, b: number = 1): string

The numberbb26Random function takes in one or two integers greater or equal to 1 and returns a random base-26 number string inclusively between 1 and one input or the two inputs

import { numberbb26Random as bb26Random } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

console.log(bb26Random(3, 1000));
//returns a value inclusively between 3 and 1000 e.g. "ABA" 

isValidbb26(input: string, suppressError: boolean = false): boolean

The isValidbb26 function takes in a string and checks to see if it is a valid BB26 type string. If the string does not consist of only uppercase numbers the function throws a TypeError error. If the second argument is specified true the function does not throw an error but returns true or false values

import { isValidbb26 } from 'bb26-spreadsheet';

console.log(isValidbb26("AB")); //returns true
console.log(isValidbb26("ABb")); //throws throws TypeError
console.log(isValidbb26("AB", true)); //returns true
console.log(isValidbb26("ABb", true)); //returns false